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The Power of Y

By Sean, 09/16/15, 4:00PM CDT


One Letter, Huge Change

#SeanBlog #Top3 09.16.15

#OurHomework #YourHomework – What a difference one letter can make.  The letter Y in this case.  I continue to fight the linguistic game of Our vs Your.

Seventh Grade, Junior High.  We are a month into the new school year and what a difference it is from last year.  We are learning how to plan our day, plan our week, plan our month much more in advance that ever before.  In previous years, homework was assigned and due tomorrow.  Pretty clear cut what we had to do each evening.  This year, assignments seem to be made several days in advance, allowing us, requiring us to plan out our homework schedule to ensure we are not waiting for the last possible night to start and complete each assignment.  Quite a learning curve for us but so far so good.  I remember lots of things about 7th Grade at Lewis and Clark Junior High in Omaha, but hours of nightly homework is not one of them.  I hope we remember lots of great things about 7th Grade in 30+ years.  I hope homework is not one of them.

Seventh Grade, Junior High.  Our children are a month into the new school year and what a difference from last year, particularly for our 7th Grader.  He is learning how to plan his day, plan his week, plan his month much more than ever before.  In previous years, homework was assigned and due tomorrow.  Pretty clear cut what he had to do each evening.  This year, assignments seem to be made several days in advance, allowing him, requiring him to plan out his homework schedule to ensure he is not waiting for the last possible night  to start and complete each assignment.  Quite a learning curve for him but so far so good.  I remember lots of things about 7th Grade at Lewis and Clark Junior High in Omaha, but hours of nightly homework is not one of them.  I hope he remembers lots of great things about 7th Grade in 30+ years.  I hope homework is not one of them.

The first version is what I want to say, what I almost always said in the past, what I probably say too often now.  The first version is the softer, helpful version.  The first version implies we are in this together.  I have learned, the first version is not healthy for anyone.  I am working hard to ensure the language I choose is in line with the second version.  It is a struggle for me because I want to help, want to ease the tension, want to be a team player – it always seems easier to complete when there is a team.  However, the second version is required to drive home ownership, teach accountability, and prepare him for the future.  I love the opportunity given to me to spend more time assisting in the homework game.  I might help more than a 7th Grade Teacher might want me to from time to time.  I need to look up lots of things privately to remind myself how it is done just to be able to help.  I am now very aware of my language choices and no longer say “Is our homework complete?  What do we need to finish?” instead saying “Is your homework complete?  Do you need any help?”  Only one letter different, a very important change in ownership.

#WordsWithFriends #IMightBeWorstPlayerEver – It is amazing to me how bad I am at this Words With Friends game but I can’t seem to stop.  I have deleted the app from my phone on more than one occasion only to hit the App Store and reload it again a day, a week, a month later.  I look at my history…You Lost, You Lost, You Resigned, You Lost…but maybe that is the challenge.  I think of myself as smart enough to play this sort of game at, let’s say, a 25% success rate against my friends and family but I am nowhere near that winning percentage.  Against some people, I am happy to see that I was able to get more than ½ their score…morale victory.  Maybe everyone else is using cheating app help tools, that is what I tell myself anyway.  Maybe the fact I can’t spell very well hurts my chances for success.  Maybe I rush to enter the first word I see instead of maximizing points.  Whatever the case, I have to admit this is a Guilty Pleasure of mine and although it is probably 10 top-app games ago and most people are on to something new by now, or a long time ago even…I do still enjoy my match-ups.  Thank you to those that take the opportunity to beat me every week.  I enjoy it too.  Anyone else want to play?  I take on all comers.

#StEGolfClassic – The St. Elizabeth Golf Classic is Friday October 2, 2015 Shotgun Start at Noon.  The event will be at Swope Memorial Golf Course and is a Benefit for the St. Elizabeth Athletic Program.  $100 per golfer.  Food and Drink Included.  Foursomes, Doubles and Singles - Golfers of all abilities are welcome.  For more information, please click HERE.

That's all for now.